Know how to use PowerPoint's features wisely to create quality presentations. Improve the impact of your presentation through careful preparation of text and visual elements.
Knowledge of the Windows environment and a good knowledge of PowerPoint.
Pedagogical method
Participative training, combining the learning of office functionalities and the corresponding good practices.
Preparing your presentation
The different elements of a presentation
Before you start : Considering the audience and identifying the objectives of the presentation
Gathering and summarising material
Structuring the presentation
The principle of the 3-point explanation
Designing a clear and impactful text
Powerful headlines
Word choice
Highlighting the text visually
Guiding the eye of the reader
Bullet points: interest and precautions
The golden rules for designing slides
The ideal text proportions
Designing slides in a consistent way
Overview of visual elements
Promoting readability through clever positioning of slide elements
Avoid distractors!
The power of images
Illustrate your points with graphics
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