Be able to create complex documents. Manage long documents efficiently.
Basic knowledge of Word. To have used these basic functions regularly.
Quick Parts
Create a Quick Part (reusable content)
Use a Quick Part
Manage Quick Parts
Document Layout
Create and format a section
Use bulleted or numbered lists
Create multi-level lists
Display text in columns
Insert a column break
Styles and Style sets
Create a style
Create a list style
Select texts with the same style
Manage styles
Change the style set
Save a new style set
Import styles
Apply a theme to a document
Customize a theme
Save a document theme
Change/delete a custom colour/font set
Create a template
Modify a document template
Change the template associated with a document
Managing long documents
Use the Navigation Pane
Create footnotes and endnotes
Work with bookmarks
Create cross-references
Number automatically headings
Customize headings numbering
Create a table of contents
Create an index
Update a table of contents, an index
Work in outline view
Drawing objects
Drawa shape
Create a text box
Create and modify a WordArt object
Insert a Smart Art diagram
Modify the structure and layout of a diagram
Find and insert an image from device, from the stock library or from the online library
Insert online videos
Alignment guides and Live Preview when moving objects
Take a screenshot
Define image compression settings
Resize an image
Crop an image
Change the image brightness, contrast and colours
Insert and manage icons
Insert and manage 3D objects
Create a form
Insert content controls
Define content control properties
Protect a form
Use a form
Building up a mail merge
Create a mail merge
Open the main document
Create or open a data list
Sort or filter a data list
Manage the records in a data list
Setting criteria for a mail merge
Setting a condition for displaying a text
Create mailing labels
Import data
Copy Excel data to Word
Copy Excel data to Word as a hyperlink
Insert a hyperlink
Embed an Excel spreadsheet into a Word document
Manage linked data
Insert an object
Group Work
The new Track Changes display
Manage comments: reply, like, edit, mark as resolved, delete
Display comments in a list or contextually
Track changes made to a document by several users
Protect a document content
Restrict document formatting
Associate a password with a document
Marking a document as final
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